Lancaster Cleft Palate Clinic treats patients with craniofacial needs, as well as providing pediatric and general dentistry, orthodontics and audiology.
Our specialists will work with birth families and adoptive families welcoming a child with unique craniofacial needs.
Your gift to the Lancaster Cleft Palate Clinic helps your community. It can cost $742,524.84 or more to rehabilitate one patient’s cleft.
Most often there is no family history or known reason why a cleft happens. Smoking, diabetes, and certain medications can increase the chances of clefting, and clefts can be hereditary. Clefts are also associated with syndromes such as Velo-cardio-facial, Crouzon’s, Apert’s, Treacher Collins, and Pierre Robin sequence.
Treatment for cleft lip and palate includes surgical closure of the cleft, as well as speech therapy, frequent ear checks, and orthodontics. Although clefts are usually a surprise to new parents, they can be treated, resulting in little more than a scar. It is important to find a Team whose expertise is with clefts and who can guide family through the unique needs of children with cleft lip and palate.
Thank you, Dennis Owens, news anchor, clinic volunteer and patient parent; and Anthony Durso and team at ABC27 in Harrisburg!