The joy that LCPC brings to patients and their families by supporting cleft and craniofacial needs throughout the life course.
LCPC saves the lives of patients with clefts and other craniofacial needs all over the country.
One in 700 children are born with a cleft. These are our families, friends, and neighbors.
Many giving people share their time and expertise with LCPC to help make sure we can provide the very best care to our patients. Medical practitioners, parents, and community members all give their time to create a special place for our patients.
These giving volunteers take it upon themselves to make sure we go beyond the minimum required to maintain nonprofit status to support fiscal responsibility and transparency.
Staff at LCPC consistently share their specialized knowledge with patients, families, community members, students, and other medical practitioners. Anyone who wants to learn more can find support at LCPC.
LCPC staff are truly special and every person focuses on the children. In 2022 we were nominated and received honoree status as one of the Best Workplaces in Lancaster County. In 2023, we won as a Best Workplace.
As a stand-alone nonprofit clinic that is not part of a larger hospital system, we are unique in the current healthcare system. It allows us to focus on our patients and their families, no matter financial or immigration status, rather than profit.
Rising healthcare costs have made specialty care even less accessible for patients and their families. LCPC bridges this significant access gap with your support.
After being involved with the Rotary Club of Lancaster for 16 years including her service as immediate past president, Althea knows the value of contributing to LCPC. The club and the clinic have a long-standing history. Our founder H. K. Cooper served as a member, and Rotary provided him with the seed funding to start the clinic in 1938. Althea Ramsay Carrigan, who has a cousin with a cleft palate, and was herself born with jaw issues, saw the needs at LCPC and advocated for the Rotary to allot more funds to donate to the organization. “It made all the difference in the world,” she said.
Althea Ramsay Carrigan
Sam Lombardo and his wife, Dena, both have a heart for LCPC because the organization gives so much back to children and the community. Sam has been hosting a golf tournament for the past 15 years to benefit LCPC. He believes that those who have been blessed financially should “give back” to the community and to others. Giving to LCPC holds him to his mission and allows him to support an organization that he is passionate about and loves.
Sam Lombardo
I’ve been blessed with four healthy children, and I’ve never had to go through a life-changing situation like the parents at our clinic. I give and volunteer because LCPC is making a difference in the lives of many, many children in South Central Pennsylvania. The professionals know the impact they can have, and that’s why they’re open with their extensive research: so everyone, anywhere can grow and achieve their best potential.
Bunnie Buckwalter
$100,000 and Up
The Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation
AAPD Foundation
Armstrong World Industries Foundation
County of Lancaster
Ferree Foundation
High Foundation
Highmark Foundation
Kiwanis Club of Lititz Area
United Concordia Dental Charitable Fund
The Jack Buncher Foundation
Bunnie Buckwalter
Lois Gable Family Trust
Gamber Foundation
The Robert J. Gunterberg Charitable Foundation
Josiah W. and Bessie H. Kline Foundation, Inc.
Ann Louise Mann
Allen Family Foundation
Mark and Erin Brinser
John and Peggy Bryner
Capital Blue Cross
CRELS Foundation
Fulton Financial Advisors
William and Kitt Gamber
Miller Transportation Group
Penn State Health
Thomas and Kristin Samson
Victor Da Costa and Elizabeth Prada
Marjorie Gerhardt
Cory and Jennifer Giltner
David and Tammy Hanson
Lancaster County Community Foundation
Members 1st Charitable Foundation
Reformed Mennonite Church
Jack and Joni Soost
Richard and Nancy Witwer
Jack Vogel
Bill and Julie Ainsworth
Bruce and Christine Alton
Angstadt Family Dental
Anonymous (1)
Atwater Malick LLC
J. Frederick and Theodora Chairsell
Jacob and Dominike Chartier
Jane D. Cope
Wasna Dabbagh
Robert and Anita Eby
The Fasnacht Family Foundation
Robert and Lisa Freeman
Glatfelter Insurance Group
Suzanne M. High Family Fund
Gloria K. Kern
Rebecca Lattanzio
Todd and Heather Lindsley
LOA Orthodontics
Jesse and Marilyn Martin
James Muiter and Sarah Wentzel
Peter Parsil and M. Brooke Minnich
Stephan and Mary Anna Pavlos
JB and Sarah Peterman, III
J. Megan Porter
Republican Club of Hanover Pennsylvania
Rotary Club of Lititz
Mary Sachs Charitable Trust
Jeffrey and Alisa Sholly
Ronald and Pat Tweed
Duane and Katherine Weiss
Chris and Suzanne Woodard
Warren and Maralyn Anderson
Anonymous (5)
Charles and Anna Barry
John and Toni Black
Jon and Mandy Bowman
Raymond A. Bures and Jackolyn Brinkman
Paddy and Catelin Carey
Community Mennonite Church of Lancaster
Kristin Connors
Thomas and Gayle Despard
Keith Donnachie
Deborah Dunn
Exelon Corporation
Jan Felice
Jeff A. Friedman
Gibbel Kraybill and Hess LLP
Larry Godec
Mark Goedecker and Jennifer Rein
William and Eleanor Honaman
Mark Lewis
Ross and Barbara Long
Linda Mamourian
Todd and Mary Melisauskas
Paul and Marci Mondock
Stuart and Julie Page
Philip Pennington
Mark and Cynthia Pontius
The Raub Foundation
John and Joan Schreiber
Craig and Rachel Sharnetzka
Douglas and Mary Smith
Kevin and Alexandra Stauffer
Joel and Brienne Taylor
United Way of the Capital Region
Kimberly Walker
Harry and Carol Yost
Cathy Agne
America Online Giving Foundation
Anonymous (4)
Alan and Susan Borislow
Robert and Donna Brosbe
Kenneth and Susan Brown
Peter and Meg Brubaker
Catelin Carey
Citizens Charitable Foundation
Tom and Celine Clouse
Steven and Pat Crognale
Philip H. Dellasega
Lynn and Carol Dolan
Edwin L. Heim Co.
Brett and Erica Federer
James and Iris Frey
Berry and Beverly Greiner
John and Eileen Henry
Le Hinton
Lynne Houck
Craig and Katrena Irwin
Grant Keener
Howard Kelin and Maryann Marotta
Timothy and Debbie Kershner
Jay and Wendy Lance
David C. Leber
William Luzzi
Henry and Carol Mauermeyer
Mennonite Home Communities
Deanna Meyler
Network for Good
Elizabeth Ruszak
Gary and Christina Seldomridge
Jay and Mary Sheely
Nelson and Joyce Steffy
Keith J Stewart
Sharon Tell
Mary Jane Troutman
Lester J. Usner
Kevin and Liz VanPelt
Don and Brenda Waardenburg
Peter and Pamela Whallon
James Alton
Kevin and Missy Anderson
Anonymous (11)
Lisa Apfelberg
Richard Ashby Jr.
Allen and Rosanne Ayala
Christopher and Kaitlyn Bain
David and Elaine Baksi
The Beckman Family
Lawrence and Cleo Beckman
Robert and Julia Belser
Eleanore Bertin
Charles and Anne Besterman
Emily Black
Charles and Susan Botto
Todd Bowers
John and Joanne Bowman
Randy and Tina Bowman
Donald and Jacqueline Brennan
Patrick Brubaker
RD Buckwalter and Daniel J. Dube
Voorhis and Mary Cantrell
Allison Carter
James and Marilyn Chastek
Salena Coachman
Lori Cook
William and Susan E Cox
Kenneth & Janet Craley
Michael Dayhoff and Kathleen Pale
Annie Dreitzler
David and Karen Drevyanko
Howard and Evelyn Eckstein
Shirley Edgecombe
Sienna Farris
Mary and Steve Freisher
Tom and Elaine Fulmer
Scott and Peggy Garber
Robert Gitman
John and Barbara Good
LaVerne Good
Andrew and Samantha Gordon
Groundswell Charitable Foundation
Patty Hackman and John Boyer
Merlyn Hale
Adam and Kristen Heaps
John M. and Linda Heisey
Robert and Elaine Hellyer
Dixie and William Herbert
John Hereshko
Jack and Mary Hostetter
Grace E. House
William E. Jordan
Timothy and Carol King
Everett and Joanne Kirchmer
Theresa Kirchner
Benjamin Kling
Thomas and Cindy Knox
William and Mary Ellen Kopetz
Jessica Kraybill
Lori Kuhn
Lancaster Salvage Company
James and Elaine Landis
Mary Ellen Lewis
Christopher Lilley
Tina Little
Frederick and Marjorie Majka
Curtis and Joanne Martin
Vincent and Linda Matusheski
Ernest McCallum
James and Linda McElroy
Robert E. McMullen
Steve and Mary McNamara
Daniel and Janet Metzler
Harry and Pamela Middleton
Josiah Miller
Michael and Janis Miller
Scott Miller
Darla Miles
Amy Minoski
Michael and Lydia Morgan
Bryan and Lauren Morse
Mt. Tabor Church of the Nazarene
Cristin Napier
Shelley Nevitt
Fred and Glenda Newswanger
Nick Nickles
Matthew and Adrienne O’Brien
David and Debby Pegg
Patricia Pfister
I. Stanley and Paula Porter
Progressive Insurance Foundation
David B. and Margaret Reeder
Craig and Dianne Roda
Tim and Sue Roehm
Michael and Maureen Rostolsky
Gerald and Carla Rothacker
Abby H. Rudisill
David and Cathy Santangelo
Sardina Dental Group
John Scafidi
Ronald Schrotberger
Roberta M. Shaub
Vickie Shertzer
Maria Sholly
John Shwed
Elizabeth Soulas
Willard and Karen Stull
Jason A. Vinguas
Lindsay Volkert
Tuyet-Nga Vu
Richard Watson
Steven and Ava Waugh
Roger and Brenda Weaver
Michael and Sandra Wege
Tom and Anne Wentzel
Lauren Wills
Carol Ann Widmayer
Brett Witmer
Wayne Work
Work Wisdom
Thomas and Mary Yohe
Bonnie Zehr and Jerry Hess
Maria Adegbenro
Megan Allen
Anonymous (15)
Mary Ellen Bachman
Kathleen Bashista
Ben Bench
Felicity Bloom
Krista Carter
Clara Cleary
Christopher S Connell
Eddie Davis
Kathleen DeFranco Haas
Charles Donald
The Ehrolas
Teresa Ellington
Daniel Emerick
Daniel English
Everence Association, Inc.
Mark Fetterman
Tara Freet
Barbara Goodyear
Theresa Graybill
Keith J. Greiner
Steve and Lynnea Hameloth
Carolyn Hart
Jessica Heth
Peter and Rachel Higgins
Bruce Hirte
Zoe Horan
James and Alace Humphreville
Lauren Jones
Pat Kellenberger
Tom and Donna Lechner
William and Joy Linton
Ray Lo
Larry and Barbara Loughner
Edward Martin and Deborah and Michele Krah
Kyle McCaffrey
Julie Meyers
Eric and Dawn Meyler
Mike, Andy, and Kristin Miller
Nancy Minoski
Robert and Jodi Moore
Dale and Stephanie Nolt
Park City Diner
Shannon Posedenti
Angela Rera
Craig, Jennifer, and Zach Rhineer
William Rivas-Rivas
John Rohrer
Alberto Romero
Nancy and Emily Sajeski
Akbar Samii
John C. Sapper
Travis and Amber Schnader
David and Lisa Schneider
Mike and Karen Sherwood
Charles Stein
Donald and Kim Stoner
Joshua and Shannon Thomas
Vernon and Neishma Tudor
Nancy Umenhofer
Glenn and Emily Vasey
Philip and Beth Wade
Jennifer Wolfe
Gregory E. Woods
Samuel Younger
Genevieve Zettlemoyer
Up to $49
Cedric Adams
Mariel Altman
Debra Andrews
Anonymous (24)
Rosemary Asencio
Ann Barber
David Barker
Danielle Berger
Edward Bezerra
Brittany Bilitzo
Lynne S. Bolig
Tracy Bosis
Jeremy and Lindsay Case
Linda Chastain
Larry and Lori Ciarrocca
Christopher Couch
Crognale Family Dentistry
Mary Dale
Jenny Detzel
Karina Edgell
Ethan Eshbach
Robert Evans
Elissa Fairman
Devon Fiore
Calvin Flury
Andy Fogle
Franklin Family
Jackie Gordon
Daniel Gorman
Gary and Christine Groff
Carmen Guaigua
Angela Hall
Judy Harding
Alan Hawkins
Elizabeth Helm
Herbert and Brenda Hohman
Katherine C. Hook
Mike and Alexandra Hutto
John Irwin
Maureen Izer
Richard Jordan
Pratha Katti
Shirley E. Keister
Devin and Alicia Kipple
Barry and Carol Kornhauser
Katelyn Lamm
Berkley Latimer
Dave Lefever
Joe Loobey
Beverly A. Ludwig
Juliet Lusson
Katy Marshall
Clem McIntyre
Michael McKenna
John and Abigail Messick
Julie Miller
Boomer Mitzel
Terry and Clara Moore
Jennifer Moretti
Virginia Mullin
Renae Newcomb
Michelle Nguyen
Nathan and Lindsay Owens
PayPal Giving Fund
Anne Plecki
Gina Renzi
Ronald and Denisha Roberts
Robert Russo
Kyra Schirk and Bill van Ess
Brian and Alicia Schmude
Christine Shontz
Dave and Brenda Sieglitz
Jeff Simmers
Michael Smith
Rachel Smith
Quyen Stehman
Krista Templin
Kelsey Trimmer
Tracey Turner
UK Online Giving Foundation
Kelly Underhill
Andrea Weaver
Tori Weaver
Diann E. Weller
Betsy Wirick
In Memory of Ruth Ann Herr Ankney
Ann Boohar
David and Pauline Whitby
In Memory of Ronald J. Beyer
Heather Beyer-McConnell
In Memory of Margaret Burkheimer
Judith and Michael Kays
Sean and Laura Kenny
Erin Niestedt
Jane Schussler and Michael King
Susan and Charles Smith
Pamela and Michael Vigunas
In Memory of Olivia Grace Dusablon
Steven and Catherine Donohue
In Memory of Wanda Flynn
Boyd and Maria Kardash
In Memory of Steven Killough
Steven Garner
Anne Killough
Emily Killough Sparks
In Memory of Judith Leppo
Marilyn Hurst
Jeni Keisman
Erik Leppo
Ann Roseberry-Lincoln
Flora Witles
In Memory of Mike MaGilton
Celia MaGilton
In Memory of Gail Martin
Sandra Martin
In Memory of Jack Meltzer
Kerrie Meyler
In Memory of Rev. Grace Thornton Lawrence Shirk
Lisa Klinger
In Memory of Madelyne Stine
Daniel Stine
In-Kind Services/Materials
Roosevelt Allen, DDS, MGAD, ABGD*
Kaitlyn Bain
Robert Belser, MD
Benco Dental
Rebecca Bissonnette
Jennifer Butz
Lucas Butz
Frank D. Carano*
Salena J. Coachman*
Victor Da Costa, MD
CPRS Physical Therapy in Manheim
Crystal Springs
The GIANT Company
Andrew J. Gordon*
Emily Hansen
Emily Herbert
Justin Herbert
Mary Anne Hinkson*
Le Hinton
Kiwanis Club of Lititz Area
Kiwanis Key Club of Manheim Township
Timothy Kershner*
Peter J. Kraybill*
Amanda Martin
Lauren Morse
Adrienne O’Brien
Penn State Health Children’s
Elizabeth Prada, DMD, MPH*
Ron Pollock
Johana Reynoso*
Pete Ross, DMD
Thomas D. Samson, MD*
Gary Seldomridge, DMD
Laura Schadewald
Jessica Stephens
Katelyn Stine
Neishma Tudor
Wayne Work*
*Denotes member of the Board of Directors
We apologize if we have inadvertently omitted or misspelled your name. Please contact the Development Office to rectify any error.