Lancaster Cleft Palate Clinic needs the support of the community in order to fulfill its mission to improve the quality of life for those with craniofacial conditions resulting from congenital differences, trauma, and disease.
It is easy to see what we, as individuals, value, based on how we spend our money. We tend to treasure the items or the causes that we contribute to financially. Since we treasure our money, we should seek to donate to worthy causes that benefit members of the community and even the world. LCPC does just that by providing healing and help to those in need. Give of your treasure – to support an organization that deeply treasures the betterment of quality of life.
If you desire to leave a lasting legacy, consider remembering LCPC in your estate plans. Your gift will help LCPC continue to improve the quality of life for those with craniofacial conditions and provide hope and healing for them.