Author Archives: Development

Mark Fetterman lives near our Clinic and supports our work because he knows the positive impact we have in the lives of our patients. Read his inspiring story about how he actively chose to not let his cleft define his future. I was born in 1971 in Wilmington, Delaware with

Leah was born with Down Syndrome. And it was a surprise to her parents. All they want is for her to be happy, but she really struggled to eat as a baby. Leah could nurse, but bottles didn’t work and a pacifier was never comforting. Imagine not being able to

Team Tuesdays can be stressful with so many patients and their families visiting the Clinic on the same day. Sometimes our longtime volunteer, Joni, will bring Nola to visit with patients. Nola is a King Charles Spaniel with the perfect disposition to bring calming joy on a busy day. Joni
